domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010


Wave upon wave
Giving ocean
Wave upon wave
With your infinite love
You bathe the shores
Of our souls.

Wave upon wave
Day after day
You see our longings
And meet our needs.

Yesterday a shielding wave
Today one of Kindness,
Wave upon wave
You shower and immerse us
Your bounty, your Grace.

Instant by instant,
Breath after breath,
With the flow and passing
Of your waves of life within us
Our hearts you bathe.

With waves cadenced,
Our Adore,
With loving waves,
Wave upon wave
You overflow our souls.

A move and yet another
A flapping of wings
And in flight the bird soars.

Month after month
Season after season
The seed is transformed
And a great tree is formed.

Drop by drop,
Leaf by leaf
Cloud after cloud
Giver most cherished,
You fill this creation
With your omnipresence.

In your continuous handiworks
Moment to moment
With your kind bequests
You imbue the created with excellence.

Breath after breath
An ascending wave
A descending wave,
With a flutter of love, Generous
You tenderly embrace us.

With a wave that rises
With a wave that falls
From your breath within us,
We grow towards You Life,
We soar to you, Love Supreme.

Minute by minute
You make existence clear
Your harmony enlivens,
You are consciousness,
You are the joy of being alive.

Bud after bud
Blade after blade
Your children’s land
You carpet in green tenderness

Rose after rose
Flower after flower
Your sweet Generosity
Expresses its uncontainable affection,
Manifests its inexhaustible perfection.

Wave and another
Kindness after Kindness
Your gifts to all, Father
Daily engulf us
With their indescribable riches.

Loving Creator
Maker of everything
Infinite Thanks
For your Kindness Supreme.

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